CEO Readiness Session

Given the current global dynamics, business continuity, resilience, retaining and attracting talent have become key priorities for all organizations. CEO commitment to building a resilient culture that enables these key components is essential for the successful transition of any company.
In this session the CEO is presented with scientific evidence that creates awareness of the impact of behavior inside the organization, specifically the behavior of senior executives. The following topics are explored:

a) What is culture and how it is formed
b) The effect of an organization’s structure on its culture
c) Impact of CEO behavior on culture
d) “Organizational Oneness” methodology and its three core pillars
e) The importance of gender diversity at the executive level
f) Ratios that need to be monitored to assess the health of the organization’s culture

This is a pre-requisite of any culture change project

A one on one session with the CEO with a document confirming the core topics discussed.

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A View of Culture Symptoms

Board members and CEOs aiming to build organizational resilience need to have a clear view of their organization’s culture. A common problem in organizations today is the gap between the culture that the CEO perceives and the real culture that people experience. Aligning the real culture with CEOs culture aspirations is a key element in enabling a culture that supports both business and talent retention strategy. We will assess the culture and provide a view of the main symptoms, and more importantly the gap between the CEO’s desired culture and the real organization culture – should there be one. The following is delivered:

a) Culture assessment
b) Gap analysis between current and desired culture
c) Proposed action plan

Implementation of the plan is not included in this service and will be assessed upon clarity of the desired culture and commitment level of the board members and CEO.


A one on one session with the CEO with a document confirming the core topics discussed.

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Bring the Board On-Board

Board members have a direct implication on the resilience of organization’s culture, their behavior shapes the culture and defines the accepted norms, it’s critical that they are “on-board” with the culture change since the success of the journey is drastically affected by their behavior. A one-day workshop presented to the board of directors to “bring them on-board” and set their expectations in terms of their own responsibility towards the change journey. The workshop will focus on transmitting and discussing the importance of the following components:

• What is culture and how it is formed
• The effect of an organization’s structure on its culture
• Policy implementation and implications of exceptions
• The importance of gender diversity in the executive level – introduction of charter for gender diversity
• Talent retention through culture
• Ratios that need to be monitored to assess the health of the organization’s culture

This is a pre-requisite of any culture change project

Board members, chairman of the board and the CEO
1. Definition of current state and key priorities depicted from several interviews with key influencers
2. Workshop plan and key highlights presented to the owners and CEO
3. Delivery of the workshop to the board members

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Become Aware Workshops

A one-day workshop presented to the management team members of the organization to create awareness and understanding of how resilience is embedded into the organizational culture. In this awareness workshop knowledge is transferred to highlight the importance of behavior, decision-making and performance assessment systems as they have a direct influence on the organization’s culture. The workshop discussions will focus on the importance of the following components:

• What is culture and how it is formed
• The effect of an organization’s structure on its culture
• Policy implementation and implications of exceptions
• The importance of gender diversity at the executive level
• Talent retention through culture
• Ratios that need to be monitored to assess the health of the organization’s culture

Key managers who influence the organizational environment.
4. The Organization’s priority chart deduced from discussions with key management influencers in the organization, this chart needs to be approved by the CEO and board to ensure alignment of priorities
5. Development and delivery of the management team workshop
6. Workshop documentation that includes the process, responses from the group and the actions identified by the participants

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Activate Your Power Program

Achieving Organizational Oneness dictates that everyone in the Organization is working at the same frequency. Multiple hearts, one beat towards a culture that enables resilience and harmony in the organization. Organizations will benefit from keeping their employees and managers in creation mode and reducing time spent in survival mode, but this requires know how at the level of both the organization and the individual. This is a unique program that delivers the “how to”, participants will leave this program with a changed perspective, they will leave this program feeling worthy and powerful, and they will influence the culture in a positive way.
This program offers 4 workshops filled with scientific evidence in multiple disciplines such as neuroscience, quantum physics and social sciences. The purpose of the science is to present the audience with evidence showing them their inner powers, powers they may not be aware of. The program creates interest, the science removes doubt, and the process triggers commitment, they finish the program knowing how to activate their power. General workshop modules are:

• Background and Introduction
• The Physical Dimension
• The Non-Physical Dimension
• Implementation and Evolution

Everyone will benefit from this program.

Delivery of a 4-module workshop. Depending on the need, modules can be customized to suit the organization’s objectives.
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