Press Kit
Gender Diversity
Jun, 2020
People are afraid! The diverse political ideologies in Lebanon makes this country rich, but when someone’s ideology has an impact on whether someone else lives or dies ... eats or starves ... has access to basic human needs like electricity, water, education... or is deprived ...then there is a problem. Let’s keep the diverse ideologies but change the system so that we all have equal opportunities and access to the same services! I reflect on our Lebanon and on the tension between lebanese groups there is nothing complicated about this, we need to see it so we can fix it: Do you really think that the followers of one political entity are good and the followers of another are bad? Do you really think that one group supports theft and another does not? Do you not see that everyone wants the same thing? Do you notice that everyone just wants to work, secure their families and live? So why are we separated into groups working against each other? Here is why: As a human being I will be loyal to whoever ensures my existence, my survival and my security. Usually this is the job of governments that’s how patriotism is nurtured. In Lebanon political leaders fight to get a share of government resources so they can serve their followers, so they play the role of the government by ensuring the security of their followers. Of course people will be loyal to the political leaders, they are their life line, they secure their existence... Of course they will fight to keep their leaders strong, what we’re not understanding is that they’re fighting for their own survival NOT their leaders. If we really want to make change in this country let’s start by understanding, that all of us want to fill the same basic human needs, all of us are afraid that the entity is control will demolish “me, and my community”. The more intense the pressure becomes on the streets, recognize that it is only strengthening the loyalty to the political leaders and creating more separation between the Lebanese. The real solution is in how the government functions, the real objective is to enable the government to serve all the Lebanese so that we all become loyal to the same Lebanon. Changing the leaders and keeping the system will trigger the same behavior and our kids will face the same issues in the future. We must break the cycle!